Thursday, January 1, 2009

My teacher

i gave my teacher my blog address so i am talking in terrible english ( shes my english teacher) but i am talking about her me teacher ms peck is my fifth grade english teacher she gave me a real scare when the final grades were in she put in a b but it was a a if she aint commentin dis, den i no she didnt read dis dats code words for leve a comment mrs peck i wonder if it bothers her dat i am using bad english actually i kinda like it just in case in bothers her i will flatter her she is probably my fave teacher if u look at my fave blog list u will sea dat i added a new one it is birdwalkers me and my friends made it about mrs pecks blue reading group if u get an chance visit it but if u have a weak stomach have just eaten or are eating den dont dont say i didnt warn u.


Anonymous said...


we just wanted to let you know about our blog. We noticed that you are very popular, thing is, we aren't. We were wonderering ifwe could pair up or something (not like a legal sponsorship or anything)but maybe we could mention each others blogs or something? Email us at

MrsPeck said...

Hi Harley! Well, I must admit I've never seen you make so many grammar mistakes! Extra Homework is in order!

On a serious note, don't stress over Meadowbrook. You would do beautifully in your classes. Yes, it would be a challenge, but I know you could do it. But you have to go to the place you and your parents feel is best for you to flourish. Whatever you decide, you have my support!