Thursday, July 17, 2008

sPeEd sTaCkS

Have you heard of the new game speed stacks? It has 12 cups, and you have to stack them up with the correct hand and pattern. It is very precise. There are world records for this game . The world record holder is 16 years old, and she is the current speed stacks world champion. This game comes with a DVD (instruction video), Some come with a stack mat, Some have timer, 12 cups, and a whole lot of fun:) Even gracie loves speed stacks. It tests mostly your reflexes, and mentel skills. Its a great family game , an awesome single game, and great for just plain old building!!!!!


heidigoseek said...

yOu aRe gReAt aT iT !! i tHiNk u rOcK aT sPeEd sTaCkS :)

heidigoseek said...

Thanks for a fun day shopping!
Luv u lots:)