Have you heard of the Gregor the Overlander series by Susan Collins? They are books about o boy, his sister and thier father. His sister ( Boots) And him fall through a hole in the landry room in their apartment. They travel through a world of bats use for transpotation, Giant talking cocroaches, 6 foot tall rats, Talking spider, and many more strange creatures. Gregor is the
" Warrior" in this guy Sandwiches prophesies. In book 1, he saves his dad from the rats. In book 2, he tries to keep his sister safe, and kill a rat. Thats as far as I have gotten. The books average to about 300 pages. They are action filled, fun packed, and are bound to keep you wanting for more. I could only get three of the many Gregor books, ( In pictures). The books are found at most librarys, ( I think), but I KNOW they are at the Pretlow branch library.

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