Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Twilight... addicted

This is a story about a girl, who is now in LOVE with a vampire movie. It all started when an author named Stephenie Meyer was born.She ended up writing the twilight series. Little did she know that her first accomplishment, Twilight, would change lives. On Saturday morning, a girl went to her friends house all day. She came back, and her mother had borrowed Twilight from the library, and while her siblings watched Bolt, she spent some of the best two hours of her life in front of a TV screen. She stood in suspense, as James almost brought Bella to death. She had wide eyes while Carlisle bit Edward. She enjoyed every minute of the movie. She is officially now... TWILIGHT ADDICTED!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Can You Blame her?)


Martinez Family said...

addicted as well:) love it:)

heidigoseek said...

it was fun to watch with you!